What people love about Solutions4therapists... 

Noreen Donegan

I attended the EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique training in June of 2021. The workshop was hosted by Mark from Solutions4therapists online via Zoom. As a former student of Mark’s I was very excited to attend this training, he is an excellent teacher and is very passionate about everything to do with therapy.

The EFT workshop was a wonderful blend of theory, skills, practice and demonstration. I volunteered to be the client in one of the demonstrations - not a role I often choose - and it has changed my life and completely resolved my presenting panic.

In the EFT workshop I learned many useful skills and I regularly use these in my therapy work and in my personal life. My clients have benefitted from using the techniques also and report regular use and improvement in symptoms.

I often teach via Zoom as the host but rarely as the student. It was a great tool on the day, it offered an opportunity to connect with everyone and attending the EFT workshop via Zoom was a very positive experience for me.

Since I attended the Solutions4therapists workshop I have recommended the EFT / Emotional Freedom Technique training to my friends. One friend, who is not a therapist, has completed it and has loved it also.

You will complete this workshop with a very solid understanding of EFT, the background, development and skills. It is a technique you can use and implement immediately after this training.

This EFT workshop by Solutions4therapists is the best and the ONLY training I will ever recommend.

Franz Nyffeneger

I attended the EFT Workshop from Mark Wilson. We did it via Zoom and it worked very good and smooth via Laptop.

The whole experience of getting to know the "Emotional Freedom Technique", was so surprising and kept me speechless for a while. The whole process of practicing EFT, the history behind it, explanations and then even practicing it on participants live via Zoom was given and showed. So it was easy to understand it.

Mark said that you can treat cravings too via EFT, so I volunteered and mentioned that I have this sometimes strong craving for Coca-Cola.

Mark guided me through the EFT technique to get rid of it, working with me for about 5 Minutes.
I still cannot believe it, but the craving was gone, for about 3-4 months now I did not drink one Coca-Cola again.

As I was doing the Hypnotherapy course parallel to this, I strongly advise any therapist in the Mental Health sector to get to know about EFT, it can be an extra tool to help yourself and so many of your clients.
farah naz

Farah Naz

The 'Solutions4therapists workshop ’EFT’ ‘Emotional Freedom Technique’ 'via Zoom’ facilitated by the wonderful Mark Wilson, was excellent. This is a A-Z of EFT for anyone wanting to learn this for themselves or to practice with clients. 

EFT is another tool for practitioners to use with their clients ad is especially useful as clients sometimes request this intervention. Mark is an excellent teacher, clear, comprehensive, knowledgeable, and zoom experienced! The supporting pack is also incredibly useful. I recommend this training.

Alison Cruden

Since doing the EFT workshop via Zoom a few months ago, I’ve used the technique many times.
I see it as a kind of self-hypnosis that can be done anywhere fast - on the move or in an armchair - and that works well for me.

At the start, it seemed strange that tapping with intention could work, but I believe it does and that’s the main thing.

I’d recommend this particular workshop by Solutions4therapists to anyone.

Apart from anything else, it’s fun and leads to a lot of self-insight.
farah naz

Farah Naz

The 'Solutions4therapists workshop ´Audio Recordings’ facilitated by the wonderful Mark Wilson, was another superb course. 

By the end of this course you will be able to make your own hypnosis recordings for your clients. Mark teaches in such a way that even if you are a IT dinosaur like me, you will understand this. 

Any hypnotherapist needs to know how to make their own recordings for their clients to reinforce their work. 
The handbook that supports this workshop will remind you of all the important details so there is no chance you will forget. 

I highly recommend this workshop.

Astrid van der Krogt

The EFT Workshop online with Zoom from Solutions4therapists with Mark was amazing and more then I expected.

Very informative and hands on, you can use it straight away. 

After this workshop I used it already with many of my clients, as this is something they can also do themselves. And in stressful times I use it myself as well. 

Very good for self care. Highly recommend this.

Franz Nyffeneger

Last November I joined the course "How to make Audio-Recordings" given by Mark at Solutions4therapists.

It was very special, because we could follow the course one to one, which was amazing. Mark gave an easy approach to this technical matter and showed us how to control and create different Audio-Recordings. 

With the programs Mark uses it is so easy to create audio recordings. We create on the spot our own recordings and could follow how you can easily change and adjust them.

From the beginning  Mark was open about the small tricks and extra tools you can use to enhance your recordings and make them better.

This course is essential for anyone doing professional Audio-Recordings. It will help anybody in the field to give a more complete and successful therapy to any client.
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