When was the last time you had such a strong feeling of self doubt that it stopped you doing something?
Do you ever get the feeling that you don't really deserve the success you have?
How often do you feel that you are where you are more because of luck than due to your skills and ability?
Have you ever had the feeling that you're not good enough and that any minute now you’re going to be found out?
Research studies have shown that you are not alone, with between 70-80% of people experiencing these kinds of negative thoughts and feelings.
Furthermore, these thoughts and feelings, if left unresolved, can lead on to more self-doubt, overwhelming anxiety and for some people, even depression.
Impostor syndrome isn’t just the latest buzz word self-help topic.
Impostor feelings lead to other behaviours.
Chronic procrastination, underperforming, over working, self-sabotage and other behaviours are associated with impostor syndrome and these can come at a high cost, both personally and professionally.
And sadly it prevents individuals from realising their true potential.
This exciting and informative one day workshop will provide you with understanding, strategies and techniques so that you can finally wave goodbye to impostor syndrome.
Whether this is something you feel you are experiencing personally or you work with clients in this situation, don’t miss this exciting workshop.