What is EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT for short, is an amazing and life changing technique that is very fast and surprisingly simple to learn.
It works perfectly as a powerful stand alone technique and this means our One day workshop, which is live and interactive from our virtual classroom, is open to anyone aged 16 and over. 
Although EFT is a fabulous additional tool for a therapists toolbox, you do not have to be a therapist to benefit from attending and learning it.
Take a look at the short explainer video below to see just a few of the many things it can be used to deal with.
Limited Places are available
Strictly first come first served
Emotional Freedom Technique is a fast, effective and safe technique, ideal for working with many situations and issues from Stress Relief and Anxiety, Physical Pain Management and also Emotional Pain,
plus Fears, Phobias and PTSD.

EFT, a form of psychological acupressure, is based on the same energy meridians seen in traditional acupuncture and used to treat physical and emotional ailments for over five thousand years, but without the invasiveness of needles.

Instead, a method of simply tapping with the fingertips is used to input kinetic energy onto specific meridians of the head and chest while you think about your specific problem, whether it is a traumatic event, an addiction, physical or emotional pain, etc. And at the same time during the process
voicing positive affirmations.

This combination of tapping the energy meridians and voicing positive affirmations works to clear the “short-circuit” – the emotional block from your body’s bio energy system, therefore restoring your mind and body’s balance, which is essential for optimal health and the healing of physical disease.

So, if you know anyone who might benefit, send them a link to this page, you never know, you might just help transform their life.

Who is this Certified Workshop suitable for

Whether you are a therapist wanting to learn a new tool/skillset, a hypnotherapist looking for a powerful addition to your hypnotic toolbox, or you are someone (aged 16+) who would like to learn a new Life changing and Life enhancing technique, this workshop is for you.
No previous experience or knowledge is required.
In fact you don't need to be a therapist at all to learn this wonderful technique.

Benefits of the EFT Workshop

Fast and Powerful Technique
Small, dynamic classes
Live and Interactive Workshop via Zoom
No Equipment Required
Learn the Tapping Process
Comprehensive Pdf Training Manual 
Limited Places are available
Strictly first come first served


This one day workshop takes place live and Interactive via Zoom.
Places are limited, BOOK EARLY to avoid disappointment.

Next Workshop Announced Shortly

This one day workshop takes place live and interactive via Zoom.
Join the waiting list and receive early bird discount code.


Limited Places are available
Strictly first come first served

What people love about our Workshops

Noreen Donegan

I attended the EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique training in June of 2021. The workshop was hosted by Mark from Solutions4therapists online via Zoom. As a former student of Mark’s I was very excited to attend this training, he is an excellent teacher and is very passionate about everything to do with therapy.

The EFT workshop was a wonderful blend of theory, skills, practice and demonstration. I volunteered to be the client in one of the demonstrations - not a role I often choose - and it has changed my life and completely resolved my presenting panic.

In the EFT workshop I learned many useful skills and I regularly use these in my therapy work and in my personal life. My clients have benefitted from using the techniques also and report regular use and improvement in symptoms.

I often teach via Zoom as the host but rarely as the student. It was a great tool on the day, it offered an opportunity to connect with everyone and attending the EFT workshop via Zoom was a very positive experience for me.

Since I attended the Solutions4therapists workshop I have recommended the EFT / Emotional Freedom Technique training to my friends. One friend, who is not a therapist, has completed it and has loved it also.

You will complete this workshop with a very solid understanding of EFT, the background, development and skills. It is a technique you can use and implement immediately after this training.

This EFT workshop by Solutions4therapists is the best and the ONLY training I will ever recommend.

Franz Nyffeneger

I attended the EFT Workshop from Mark Wilson. We did it via Zoom and it worked very good and smooth via Laptop.
The whole experience of getting to know the "Emotional Freedom Technique", was so surprising and kept me speechless for a while. The whole process of practicing EFT, the history behind it, explanations and then even practicing it on participants live via Zoom was given and showed. So it was easy to understand it.
Towards the end, Mark mentioned that you can treat cravings too via EFT, so I volunteered and mentioned that I have this sometimes strong craving for Coca-Cola. Mark guided me through the EFT technique to get rid of it, working with me for about 5 Minutes.
I still cannot believe it, but the craving was gone, for about 3-4 months I did not drink one Coca-Cola again.
As I was doing the Hypnotherapy course parallel to this, I strongly advise any therapist in the Mental Health sector to get to know about EFT, it can be an extra tool to help yourself and so many of your clients.

Astrid Van Der Krogt

The EFT Workshop online with Zoom from Solutions4therapists with Mark was amazing and more then I expected.
Very informative and hands on, you can use it straight away. After this workshop I used it already with many of my clients, as this is something they can also do themselves. And in stressful times I use it myself as well. Very good for self care. Highly recommend this.
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